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P. 166


           M a h a b a les h w ar , P an ch g ani & Wai

           Farz an a C ontra ctor

                                                                                  Assorted biscuits and chai

                                                                                  Bread basket
           Hotel Prospect                                       Parvaneh & Shahram

           Ring Road, Bhim Nagar,
           Panchgani 412805
           Mob: 0 94224 42299

           Some things don’t change. And I keep my
           fingers crossed that they never do. Like the
           atmosphere at Hotel Prospect. And the
           food they serve.
             If  you seek solitude and privacy and
           want to spend some quiet moments, this is
           the place to stay in Panchgani. Family-run,
             The cottages, some large, some small,
           some by the pool, are tastefully appointed.
           They stay out of view from one another due
           to the dense Silver Oaks, the hallmark trees
           of Panchgani. The freshness in the air, no   dogs greet you, and if they like you enough   to expand senselessly, so the few acres
           doubt contributed by all the foliage around,   and know that you like them, will come sit   Prospect stands on continues to have just
           including the fragrant Rangoon creepers   with you, perhaps offer you a loving lick.   30 rooms. It’s also called contentment.
           and hundreds of geraniums.         Prospect is charming.              The family is a content lot, full of gratitude
             Life’s big pleasures come from small   The hotel was built over a 100 years   that the guests who opt to stay with them
           things; a swing here, a bench there, a   ago and is looked after very well. To the   are ones who have been coming for years.
           fountain that works, softly, its flow creating   owners it is a legacy to be cherished.   By virtue of the fact that this hotel is the
           a sound like a Strauss symphony. The house   An  emotional  decision  disallows  them   first one to be built in the hill station, it

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