Page 169 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 169


                         Black is Beautiful

                             It is raw and fresh garlic that is dehydrated over time and presents a
                          host of health benefits that few know are worth more than regular garlic.
                                                         Black garlic for you

                                   e love garlic! Then   the conversion of acids and sugars   compounds  that constitute  it
                                   again,  who  doesn’t?   to  create compounds that give   would make for an interesting
                          WSure,  it  might  not  be   these  foods  a  darker  hue  and  a   nugget.  Don’t worry, we’ve  got
                          the thing to pop into your mouth   strong flavour minus the pungent   the  juicy bits,  too,  the  recipes,
                          just  before  a  date  but  it’s flavour   odour of regular garlic. Black garlic   coming up!
                          and health benefits are enough to   is thus  born  from  a  controlled   Black garlic is produced when
                          get  you  hooked.  But  what  if  we   high-temperature,  high-humidity   heads or separated cloves of regular
                          told you that you could have your   process over a period of time   garlic are aged in an environment
                          garlic and eat it too, and kiss and   which  converts  raw garlic to its   of 80 to 90% controlled humidity
                          tell? Read on…               dark form, aged to perfection.   at 60  to  90°  C  for a period  of
                             Ever wonder  how foods  like   As  a  result  of  the  ageing   anywhere from two weeks to 90
                          steak and cookies get that distinctive   process, black garlic contains more   days. The fermentation causes the
                          flavour  and aroma? The Maillard   antioxidant  compounds  than  raw   cloves  to turn a dark black  and
                          reaction  is responsible  for         garlic. Antioxidants,   renders  it a flavour  more potent
                                                                  as we know, have   and an odour not so, than its
                                                                    protective effects   regular  form.  Its  texture  is  sticky
                                                                      against  cell  and  soft and  it's softer  to  chew.
                                                                       damage and   More so, it infuses it with a higher
                                                                       fight   free  amount  of  bioactive  compounds
                                                                     radicals  in  the   like antioxidants due to the Maillard
                                                              body. Which makes black   reaction. This is  partly because
                                                                garlic a super ingredient   allicin,  the compound  that gives
                                                                 to introduce to your   garlic its pungent odour when
                                                                   lifestyle.  Before we   crushed or bitten into, is converted
                                                                         get to the   into antioxidant compounds  like
                                                                           health   alkaloids and flavonoids. So, while
                                                                           benefits   you  may  have  a  lower  allicin
                                                                           of  black   content  in black  garlic, you have
                                                                          garlic  –   more health benefits awaiting you,
                                                                        and there’s   as compared to regular garlic, such
                                                                    plenty, you will   as improved  brain  health,  lower
                                                                  discover  –  we   cholesterol, better heart pumping,
                                                                 thought the ageing   preventive liver damage and
                                                              process and the bioactive   reduction  in  blood  sugar levels,

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