Page 172 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 172


           Black Garlic Pasta

           Ingredients                        Method                             and cook for 1-2 minutes, continuously
           • all-purpose flour                Pour flour and salt onto a clean work   checking for desired doneness (we
           • 4 egg yolks                      surface and make a well in the centre.   prefer al dente). Drain pasta and let dry.
           • 2 whole eggs                     Place the eggs/yolks in this well   While pasta is cooking, peel black
           • 1 tsp kosher salt                and mix with a fork. Swirl the fork   garlic and cut into small pieces (note
           • 2 small heads black garlic       concentrically, slowly incorporating   that it can be a bit sticky and difficult
           • 225 g cremini mushrooms          the flour into the eggs. Once it forms   to cut). Then sauté the black garlic in
           • 225 g oyster mushrooms           a dough, knead it for 10 minutes, form   olive oil and butter on medium heat for
           • 225 g shiitake mushrooms         it into a ball, and let rest, covered, for   5 minutes as the black garlic starts to
           • 1 onion, halved and sliced       30-60 minutes.                     break down and turn the sauce black.
           • 4 tbsp butter                    At this point, cut dough into 3 equal-  Meanwhile, in a separate pan, sauté the
           • 2 tbsp olive oil                 sized pieces. One by one (keeping the   mushrooms and then the onion.
           • 1 lemon, juiced                  other balls covered), run the pasta   When pasta is cooked and ready to go,
           • 1 pinch Parmesan cheese          through the pasta maker, occasionally   squeeze the lemon juice into the black
           • 1 tbsp basil chiffonade          lightly dusting with flour. Once the   garlic sauce, then mix in the pasta,
           • 1 tbsp pine nuts toasted         dough has reached a thickness level of   mushrooms and onions. Top with basil,
           • 1 pasta maker (readymade pasta will   4, run it through the cutter section, dust   Parmesan cheese, toasted pine nuts,
           also do)                           again with flour, and set aside to dry   and salt/pepper to taste.
                                              while you do the rest.
                                              Add pasta to a pot of boiling water   Recipe by Grad Food

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