Page 176 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 176


           Lazzatnama                                                            tried  bhang ki chutney? Don’t worry; this
                                                                                 hemp-based chutney is free of intoxicants.
                                                                                 There’s a variety of galouti kebabs known as
           By Pushpesh Pant. Rs 395/-                                            dora – sutli – which is now ‘extinct’, used to
           Rupa Publications                                                     be served traditionally by spinning it like a
                                                                                 top to unravel it onto the plate.
           Spice powder is sprinkled over a steaming                                Flip the pages to discover what Birbal
           red chilli gravy dish to tell you this is going                       the Wise ate: a  khichdi, slow-cooked,
           to be one hot affair! Lazzatnama: Recipes                             Mughlai  style.  From  biryani  recipes  to
           of India brings together a host of recipes                            musallam recipes, korma and kaliya, paratha
           spanning  the length and breadth of the                               and potato, curd, halwa, sweets and sherbets,
           country. By a man who knows his subjects                              too, Lazzat (the delight one experiences in
           ardently, this is a recipe book to hold dear,                         good  food)  nama  (chronicles)  is  a  range
           if you wish to bring home the country on                              of  recipes  and  informative  nuggets  in
           a platter.                                                            270 pages, with an appendage on Indian
             Pushpesh  Pant has kept it easy and                                 ingredients.
           simple with this book,  with a few glossy                                About the author: Pushpesh Pant is
           pages of home-shot images that could have                             a well-known, senior author and retired
           been much sharper to enhance the recipes                              professor from JNU. Passionate about music,
           they bear, but the little notes on each make                          history, Indian cuisines and poetry, he enjoys
           up for it. Like the  Zarda Pulao, which  is                           writing on food, culture and travel from his
           the only sweet pulao to eschew meat! Ever                             home in Delhi.

           Beyond the                         Editor of Forbes India, ties it up        undoubtedly,  and  topics  such  as
                                                                                        dining etiquette as well.
                                              neatly in a bow, with, “Anthony
           Menu                               Bourdain famously said chances               You  will even  find a glossary
                                              of  Return on  Investments  in            section  with  terms used  through
           By Ravi Wazir. Rs 499/-            restaurants are one to five. Read         the book, which go all the way from
           Jaico Books                        this start-up guide to improve            asset register to kitchen steward to
                                              those  odds.”  Beyond  the  Menu          sunny  side  up  to zucchini!  And
           All  of us dine  at restaurants,  some more   takes you through it all, from what   all else in between… Take a look
           often than others. Yet, do we know what   the term ‘restaurant’ means to     at the Projected  Financials  and
           it entails to set one up? What goes into the   what it takes to set one up. From   other such charts drawn up in the
           making of the space that surrounds us and   the vision board to its execution:   book to really get into the nitty-
           the food that goes into our bellies? Do we   design, brand definition and    gritties of setting up and running
           know  where the word  ‘restaurant’ comes   development, the importance of    a (successful) restaurant.
           from, to begin with? Everything you need   social media today, the concept      About the author: He has
           to know about restaurants, from A-Z, is in   of the food and adhering to food safety   strategised for big brands, family enterprises
           Beyond the Menu, by Ravi Wazir, seasoned   standards,  personalising  a  family-run   and entrepreneurs across sectors, for 30
           strategist, with a background in restaurants   restaurant, establishing one from scratch,   years. The graduate of IHM, Mumbai, and
           among much else.                   managing the finances – one of the most   SME programme alum of IIM, Ahmedabad,
             Look at this book as a very handy   crucial aspects focused on in the book –   has been behind brands like Olive, Izumi and
           guide to starting your own restaurant, a   and the value of people that make up the   Swati Snacks. The Bandra boy now consults
           dream  that  several  in  the  F&B  industry,   secret sauce of the restaurant: the staff!   on  strategies and leadership  interventions
           or outside, too, harbour. Brian Carvalho,   The book deals with the customer, too,   for entrepreneurs.

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