Page 173 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 173


          Black Garlic Chicken & Lentil Salad

          Ingredients                        cut into 2 cm squares if cooked     Place chicken pieces on a lined baking
          For the marinade                   • 2 tbsp of above marinade + 2 tbsp   tray and roast for 30 minutes until
          • 2 tsp black garlic powder        olive oil                           cooked through.
          • 4 tbsp (60 ml) light soy         • 150 g crumbled Feta/goat’s cheese or   Serve immediately, or allow to cool
          • 4 tbsp (60 ml) olive oil         grilled Haloumi                     before refrigerating (great for picnics!)
          • 2 tbsp honey                     • microherbs & pomegranate seeds, to   For the lentil salad
          • 1 tsp red pepper flakes          garnish                             Combine ingredients and toss with
          • 1 tsp porcini powder                                                 dressing just before serving.
          • 1/2 tsp paprika                  Method
          • 1/2 tsp coriander                Pre-heat oven to 180° C.            Note
          • 1/2 tsp salt                     Combine all marinade ingredients by   The marinade will keep in an airtight
          For the chicken                    either shaking together in a jar, or for a   container in the fridge for 2 weeks.
          • 12 chicken drumsticks or thighs    smoother paste, blitz in the small bowl   For a quicker version, replace spices
          (skin on)                          of a food processor.                in the recipe with 1 tbsp of our umami
          • microherbs, to serve (optional)  Take the marinade (reserve 2 tbsp for   seasoning and use the same way.
          For the lentil salad               the lentil salad) and rub all over chicken,
          • 250 g cooked green lentils       gently lifting the skin and pushing some   Recipe by Herbie’s Spices
          • 2 beetroot, julienned or grated if raw,   under, too.

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