Page 174 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 174


           Black Garlic Chocolate Chunk Ice-Cream

           • 1.5 cups whole milk
           • 1 cup heavy cream
           • 1/4 cup honey
           • 1/4 cup + 1.5 tbsp granulated sugar,
           • 1 tbsp black garlic (smooshed into a
           • 1 vanilla bean
           • 7 large egg yolks
           • 85 g dark chocolate, cut into rough

           Line a large container with a thick
           zippered baggie. Set a medium-mesh
           strainer over it; set aside. Have a large
           bowl of ice on the counter, ready for
           adding water.
           Start with the custard base.
           Combine milk, cream, honey, 1.5 tbsp of
           the sugar, and the garlic in a medium,
           heavy-bottomed saucepot.
           Split the vanilla bean in half lengthwise,
           then scrape out the seeds and add both
           the seeds and pod to the pot. Set over
           medium-high heat and bring to a boil,
           stirring often. Let it boil for 30 seconds
           or so, then turn off heat and keep warm.
           Combine egg yolks with remaining 1/4
           cup sugar in a large bowl and beat until
           thick and pale, 2-3 minutes.
           Very gradually beat in the hot milk
           mixture, dribbling in a very little bit at
           a time, until it is all added. Be sure to
           never stop beating, as you don't want
           the eggs to curdle. I use a hand-mixer
           to keep everything going quickly, but a
           whisk and some muscle will work just   already taken them out). Carefully zip   cream maker and process according
           fine, too.                         the baggie shut, removing excess air.  to the instructions. When you hear the
           Pour mixture back into the pot. Turn   Fill that bowl of ice about 2/3 of the   machine just starting to stop, add the
           heat to medium-low, and stir the mixture   way with cold water, then set the   chunks of chocolate to combine. When
           constantly until it is thick enough to coat   baggie in it (leaving the top, zippered   it's done churning, it should be the
           the back of a spoon.               part sticking out). Squish the mixture   consistency of a soft serve.
           Pour the thickened custard through   around to help it cool down quickly.    You can eat it like this, or you can
           the strainer and into the baggie that   You can let it sit in the water and come   transfer it to a freezer-safe container
           you set up earlier. The strainer will hold   back every once in a while to move it   and let it freeze until it turns firm,
           back any large masses of garlic (don't   around again. It should be cold after    2 hours or so.
           worry, the flavour is already infused)   30 minutes.
           and the vanilla bean pod (if you haven't   Transfer the cold custard to your ice-  Recipe by Black Garlic North America

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