Page 179 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 179


          Coorg Valley Coffee
          is artisanal coffee
          from the finest
          quality Arabica beans,
          ensuring a rich,
          smooth and aromatic
          flavour. Pick from
          the variety on offer:
          Premium Classic,                                                 Poonjiaji’s Ready-
          Rich Chocolate, Toffee
          Caramel, Vanilla                                                   to-Cook Gravies
          Hazelnut & Blood                                                are perfect for quick,
          Orange, priced at                                                 tasty and authentic
                                                                               meals, with no
          Rs325, available on                                              added preservatives.
          leading e-commerce
          platforms.                                                           Try the Kadhai
                                                                          Gravy and the Butter
                                                                           Chicken Gravy from
                                                                          the array, both made
                                                                              with top quality
                                                                            ingredients. Ready
                                     Peacock’s Rice                        in 15 minutes, these
                                     Spaghetti & Vermicelli                  gravies, priced at
                                     are cholesterol-free,                      Rs195. Visit
                                     naturally fat-free, gluten-   
                                     free and preservative
                                     free. Try the Black Rice
                                     Spaghetti (Rs 275)
                                     or the other varieties,
                                     inclusive of Basmati Rice
                                     Spaghetti, Brown Rice         L74 Craft Ciders are for a sip of the bright side of
                                     Vermicelli, Brown Rice        life. From the juiciest and sweetest Kashmiri apples
                                     Spaghetti, Rice Spaghetti     comes a range of handcrafted ciders with no added
                                     and Rice Vermicelli, all at   sugars and 100% fruit, such as Craft Apple Cider,
                                     Rs 225. Shop at               Craft Citrus Cider and Craft Coffee Cider. Available
                            or at            at wine shops in Bombay & Goa, for Rs 195.
                                     leading gourmet stores

          Yakult Danone India’s Light Mango Flavour contains
          the same unique probiotic as the original Yakult flavour. In
          addition to its health benefits, especially for the gut, this
          probiotic drink is also mango-licious. Priced at Rs 100 for
          a pack of 5, it's available through retail stores across the
          country and through e-commerce sites.

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