Page 180 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 180


                                              21st Floor At The Seoul Olympics

                                                 This is one hilarious piece. The Seoul Olympics
                                                  seen through the eyes of our favourite Busybee
                                                character; the friend on the 21st floor. We are quite
                                                  certain the Paris Olympics Committee misses

                                                                 Busybee and his friend!

                                                    mong the Indians who are going to   very kind, it gave me one ticket for the
                                                    Seoul to watch the Olympics is my   opening and one for the closing ceremonies
                                              Afriend, who lives on the 21st floor   after  I  promised  to  underwrite  any  losses
                                              and has watched every post-war game.  they may suffer in the Games.”
                                                 This morning, when I called on him, he   “Let us hope they do not suffer any
            Round & About                     was packing his bags. “It is best to leave a   losses,” I said. “What are the events you will
                                                                                 be watching?”
                                              little early,” he said. “Later, with the whole
                with Busybee                  world heading for Seoul, travelling becomes   events, except archery. It would be too
                                                                                    “Well, I have bought tickets for all the
                                              very difficult. Of course, I am using my own
                                              plane, but still, the airports are crowded.”  much to spend money on archery. I will
                       Behram Contractor,        “Sensible,” I said. “I am told the hotels   also be watching our boys in the yachting
              creator of 'Busybee' and all his   are all booked a year in advance.”  competition in the Pusan harbour, though
                                                 “Yes, I had problems finding a room,” my
              fictitious characters wrote this   friend said. “For a while I thought of staying   that meant I had to build myself one more
                                                                                 hotel in Pusan. If Farokh Tarapore finishes in
               satirical column, everyday, for    in Hong Kong or Tokyo and shunting to   the first 10, I will present it to him.”
                      36 consecutive years,    Seoul daily. Then I decided it would be   “I am happy a lot of our Indian sportsmen
                     over four newspapers.    simpler to construct my own hotel in Seoul.   and women will be having hotels in Korea,” I
                                              So I have built one on the Kai Pai Tak Kong   said. “What about the other members of our
                     Here is a comment on     Road, just opposite the main stadium. That   Olympic contingent? Are you initiating any
                 Busybee by Bachi Karkaria    way I can walk across to the stadium and save   schemes for them?” I asked.
                                              taxi fare. Taxis are very expensive in Korea.”
                                                                                    “Nothing  particular,”  he  said.  “Except
                                                 “Yes,” I said, “I read about the taxis.   that I will be putting up all the Indian officials
              “Busybee’s Bombay was where     What will you do with the hotel after the   at suites in my hotel. So that they can sleep
                   the 21st floor was about a   Games?”                          there and not occupy the beds of wrestlers
                 delightful friend, not about    “Well, if PT Usha does go to Seoul, and   while the wrestlers are made to sleep on the
                rapacious builders. Busybee   she comes in the first six or eight in the 400m   floor. But what about you? Are you going
               wasn’t a colmunist, he was an   hurdles, I will present it to her. Otherwise, I   to Seoul?”
                                              will give it to Raosaheb Oberoi, they have
                                                                                    “Where I will go in Seoul! I can’t afford
                 urban commentator of rare    been wanting to open a hotel in Korea.”  it,” I said.
                    perception. And more.”       “What about tickets for the opening and   “Too bad,” my friend said, “but I tell
                                              closing ceremonies?” I asked. “I understand   you what I will do, and you must not refuse.
                                              they have been sold out a year in advance.”  I will give you the key to my flat, you can
                                                 “That was the most difficult part of it all.   come here and watch the Olympics on my
                                              I understand the Koreans are putting up a   TV set.”
                                              spectacular show, though no elephants, like
                                              ours at the Asian Games,” my friend said.                    – Busybee
                                              “But the Korean Olympic Association was               September 1, 1988

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