Page 170 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 170


           among others. It is also known to be                                     Pump it up with some black garlic, we
           a good source of protein and fibre as                                 say, but in moderation, and after checking
           well  as  vitamin  C,  B  vitamins,  calcium,                         with  your doc  in case  you  have  any  pre-
           magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and iron.                                 existing conditions that could be worsened
             Due to its higher antioxidant properties,                           with  the  same.  For  instance,  those  on
           blood sugar levels can be regulated and its                           blood  thinning  medications  would  want
           reduction  can  help  prevent  diseases such                          to avoid copious amounts of raw garlic as
           as diabetes and issues such as kidney                                 it can increase the risk of bleeding. Black
           dysfunction.                                                          garlic not so much,  but it could run a
             Think you’re forgetting something?                                  similar risk. Those with a history of allergic
           Try a piece of black garlic as it helps                               reactions must be careful when consuming
           reduce inflammation in the  brain, thus                               the ingredient  as it could  pose  a threat.
           preventing  short-term memory loss  and                               Excess of it could also cause stomach pain,
           even Alzheimer’s. Studies show that   shows  that  post any  liver  damage,  this   foul breath and skin odour  that you do
           inflammation  of  the  nervous  system   ingredient  helps  lower  markers of  injury,   not  want to  carry  around  wherever you
           may play a role in the development   decrease fatty deposits and bring liver cell   may go.
           of Alzheimer’s and natural plant-based   size back to normal.            But make black  garlic a part of your
           foods like black garlic could help combat   It helps with the improvement of heart   lifestyle as it best suits you and include it
           the same. With its lower inflammatory   health as it promotes good cholesterol   in a bruschetta, a cheese platter, a kung pao,
           properties, it may hence work on   levels (HDL) and reduces its counterpart,   perhaps. Make an oil of it and fluff up your
           improving overall immunity which will   LDL. Thus, the formation of triglycerides   pasta. Sinful!  Caramelised  broccoli  will
           help  you  fight  off  bacterial  and  viral   is lessened with the inclusion of black garlic.   only  be  enhanced  with  black  garlic  pods
           infections to a greater extent.                             Researchers found that both raw and black   and truffle roasted potatoes, too. Spread a
             Black garlic may help improve the   garlic helped open up circulation to protect   little black butter on your bread and you’ve
           health of your liver as well. Some research   the heart from damage or failure.   got a morning routine right there!

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