Page 9 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 9

Turkish Hazelnut                                                                   UPPERCRUST PROMOTION


           Do you enjoy a warm hazelnut mocha on a cool, rainy day? Or a piece of rich dark hazelnut chocolate
           before you go to bed? Then, it has to be with Turkish Hazelnuts, the world leader in hazelnuts, and
           nothing less

           India can now get a taste of Turk-
           ish Hazelnuts with the official
           launch at the Turkish Embassy in
           New Delhi, along with a four-year
           campaign by the Turkish Hazelnut
           Exporters Associations.

           Did you know Turkiye exports
           70-75% of its hazelnuts to the EU,
           primarily supporting the chocolate
           industry in countries like Germany,
           Italy, France and Switzerland?
           Well, it’s true and they work on the
           principle of connecting people
           over the world with the natural     L-R: Hasan Osman Sabir, Tahsin Tokgoz, Dr Anjali Hooda, Firat Sunel, Gunjan Jain
           goodness and culinary potential of
           Turkish Hazlenuts, and supporting   And hazelnuts constitute the largest   Hazelnuts are crucial for your
           sustainable farming practices.
                                              agricultural exports of Turkiye, to   nutrition intake as they provide
           Turkish Hazelnuts is not so much   the tune of $2.5 billion.”        energy to keep you going, with an
           an industrial product as much a                                      oil  content  of 62%.  Research
                                                                                shows that the benefit of hazel-
           labour of love brought together    Turkish Hazelnuts come in a wide   nuts is linked to their fatty acid
           by boutique farms with a network   variety, some of which are the
           of 5,50,000 farmers. It begins in   in-shell hazelnut - perfect for a   profile which is rich in monounsat-
           the month of August and is sold    mid-meal snack, chopped hazel-    urated and polyunsaturated fats.
           throughout the year, in its freshest   nut – used in biscuits, ice-cream,   This helps control lipid profiles in
           form. From exporting mainly        energy bars, hazelnut flour – used   the blood, reduce the risk of coro-
           shelled  and  kernel  forms  to  32   in baking and as an ingredient for   nary heart disease, lower blood
           countries earlier, Turkish Hazel-  hazelnut paste… These hazelnuts   pressure,  decrease LDL,  that  bad
           nuts now exports both kernels and   add an unique flavour and texture   cholesterol, increase HDL and
           various forms of hazelnuts to      to chocolate, bakery products,    even potentially fight against
           around 125 countries.              dairy, cereal, salads, sauces and   cancer, atherosclerosis and diabe-
                                              dessert. A Fig & Hazelnut Salad   tes. This is all thanks to its vitamin
           Hasan Osman Sabir, Chairman of     with honey hits the spot! A hazel-  E content, which makes it a power
           the Blacksea Hazelnut and Hazel-   nut butter  as an alternative  to   source of good health. To get the
           nut Products Exporters Associa-                                      most out of it, you would ideally
           tion tells us, “80% of our hazelnut   dairy  butter,  nutritious  and  look at consuming 25-30 g daily.
           production is exported.            delicious!                        With Turkish Hazelnuts’ freshness,
                                                                                quality and taste, it makes it easy
                                                                                to do so!

                                                                                From spreads to chocolates,
                                                                                butter and flour, hazelnuts are
                                                                                versatile and in a country like
                                                                                India, their value is multiplied.
                                                                                Tahsin Tokgoz, Board Member of
                                                                                the Istanbul Hazelnut Exporters
                                                                                Association, elaborates, “India is a
                                                                                very different market. Indians love
                                                                                to gift nuts on festive occasions
                                                                                and Turkish Hazelnuts would make
                                                                                the perfect gift. For instance, India
                                                                                recorded a whopping 700 tonnes
                                                                                last year alone, in consumption.”
                                                                                We do love our nuts and Turkish
                                                                                Hazelnuts is just the answer,
                                                                                perfect for a snack, as a garnish in
                                                                                our gravies, free of pesticides and
                                                                                toxins. And most of all, it is aller-
                                                                                gen-free! Yes, you can’t go wrong
                                                                                with hazelnuts!
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