Page 13 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 13

his issue is raining recipes. It   food, three years ago. He did not just devise
                                                      is befitting the weather. To be   a perfect decoction but also the most perfect
                                                Thonest it has been planned to be   system to deliver hot coffee to your home or
                                             so. We wanted to bring you food that one   office in a perfectly engineered flask that does
                                             enjoys during the monsoons.         not drip a drop of coffee and keeps hot for six
                                                A hearty breakfast of eggs on  a rainy   hours. Try it, you can thank us later. Hope it
                                             morning (11 recipes) piping hot  rasam     rains buckets when you are sipping on this
                                             on a rain-soaked afternoon (13 recipes),   delectable hot stuff.
                                             made lovingly by 75-year-old amma in her   Abhijit Saha from Bangalore, the chef
                                             well-organised kitchen, lined with stainless   extraordinaire responsible for restaurants
                                             steel boxes and Horlicks glass jars given to   such as Ammakase in Singapore and Lyfe in
                                             her by her mother when she married over   Bangalore, has also jumped into the fray. He
                                             50 years ago.                       sends us five of his most favourite recipes
                                                From my own kitchen, cooked by me   using healthy ingredients.
                                             and simultaneously shot by me, painstakingly   Last but not the least, we have recipes
                                             washing my hands dozens of times in   galore from Amrita Raichand, our cover girl
                                             between the two chores, we bring you the   whose main purpose in life is to cook and
                                             most classic rainy day lunch;  dal  chawal   feed friends and guests. And teach the world
                                             accompanied by the humble dry bombil, the   cooking through various digital platforms.
                                             Bombay Duck, in two kinds of masala, red   Here is one easy-breezy woman with a smile
                                             and green. Most people don’t know how   on her face, always laughing and making it
                                             to make Bombay Duck, fresh or dry. In the   seem like the easiest thing in the world is
                                             process, losing out on one of the most super   to be able to cook. Perhaps it is, with the
                                             dishes that true-blue foodies enjoy.   simplicity of her recipes. We bring you facets
                                                 Dinner has to be some Rajasthani jungli   of Amrita, which until now were generally
                                             maas, incorporating only four ingredients,   unknown.
                                             slow-cooked to perfection along with some   Food is the forte of UpperCrust. This is
                                             saffron rice, on a wet indulgent night when   the 99th issue of our beautiful magazine. We
                                             you surely don’t want to venture out of    close the double digit innings by bringing to
                                             your home.                          your kitchen, the unusual black garlic. Did
                                                But if you do venture out, head straight   you know about it, its nutrients? Ever used
                                             for Bawri at BKC (Bandra Kurla Complex),   it in your cooking? Turn to Know More About
                                             where my friend and favourite chef,   on pg 166 and get updated! Seven recipes!
                                             Amninder  will  welcome  you  with  honest   Irfan Pabaney also contributes. He may
                                             Indian food, robust and oh so tasty, you won’t   not be at hand at Sassy Spoon anymore where
                                             mind getting wet to get there. Or if you are   I first tasted his Prawn in Lemony Couscous,
                                             heading to New York, drop in at Saga! If   and became a convert, but, I learnt how to
                                             Kerala is too wet for you right now, lie back   make it in his own home kitchen! Now you
                                             and savour Dr Nishant Kumar’s rather in-  can rustle it up in yours!
                                             depth and indulgent writing on restaurants   Bringing up the rear is Seema and Jaideep
                                             around Cochin. Kochi, if you prefer.  Mehrotra in Celebrity Bites. Jaideep is as good
                                                We have for  you, the most  amazing   a cook as painter and a real foodie, too.
                                             coffee, too. Not one that you have to   Now get ready for our 100th issue,
                                             prepare  yourself,  but  something  you  just   InShaAllah!
                                             have to order. Iyengar’s Kaapi is a revolution!
                                             And Ramesh Iyengar is a genius. An ex-
                                             advertising honcho from Trikaya, he gave
                                             in to his passion and entered the world of   [email protected]

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