Page 11 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 11

Turkish Hazelnut

                     Purely Turkish Purely Natural


                   Dr. Anjali Hooda            Chef Sabyasachi Gorai                Chef Gökhan Kesen
             Internal and Functional Medicine Specialist  Celebrity Chef             Consultant and Turkish Chef

                As a health professional, I under-  As a chef, I am thrilled    Turkish hazelnuts are making their debut
                stand the incredible benefits of   to see how Indian kitchens   in India, and I am thrilled to share a piece
               these 'superfood'  nuts,  which   will embrace Turkish Hazel-   of our rich heritage with Indian consum-
            offer an impressive array of nutrients   nuts. The rich flavors of Indian   ers.  In Turkey,  hazelnuts have been  a
            to support daily wellness and disease   cuisine combined with the   cherished part of our culinary traditions for
            prevention.  These  nutrient-dense  distinct taste of Turkish Hazel-  centuries.  Grown  in the lush,  rolling  hills of
            nuts are an excellent source of    nuts will create a delightful   our region, these nuts embody the essence
            vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats,   experience. From traditional   of Turkish craftsmanship and care. Their rich,
            making them a powerful addition to a   Indian dishes to global favor-  distinctive flavor and versatility are not only
            balanced. diet. Indian consumers can   ites,  Turkish Hazelnuts will   a testament to the fertile soils and ideal
                                                                             climate but also to generations of expertise
            significantly benefit from incorporat-  seamlessly  integrate  and  in nurturing these remarkable nuts. I am
            ing Turkish hazelnuts into their daily   elevate  every kitchen  in  India,   excited  to  see  how  Indian  chefs  and home.
            snacking routines, as they contribute                            cooks will integrate these premium hazelnuts
            to heart health, boost energy levels,   and I am excited to explore and   into their creations,  enhancing everyday
            and promote overall wellness. Their   craft dishes that highlight their   meals and snacks with their delightful crunch
            high vitamin E content and antioxi-  exceptional taste and adapt-  and natural sweetness. This journey of
            dant properties also  enhance  skin   ability. This marks the begin-  flavours is a  celebration of the shared love
            health and I highly recommend      ning of an exciting journey in   for fine  ingredients,  bridging  our culinary
            Turkish hazelnuts for a delicious and   culinary innovation and fusion   worlds and elevating the dining experience
            healthful dietary boost."          in India."                    to new heights."

                                                                         Represented in India by:
                                                                      Ampro Marketing

                                                               18 Ground Floor, Centrum Plaza, Sector 53,
                                                                        Gurgram, Haryana 122002
                                                                     [email protected]
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