Page 16 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 16


           BEST OF THE          I don’t care much for aubergine. In fact it is only recently that I have started to eat this
                                vegetable. Especially when made the Turkish or Mediterranean way. When I ate this one
           QUARTER              at Amrita Raichand’s home, it was love at first bite. Baingan in dahi, works great!
                                  Tasting 13 rasams at Subrata Rajaram’s home, all made with tender loving care in
                                eeya vessels, was rather an experience in itself. Picking out one as my favourite was
                                daunting too! But it has to be the garlic and pepper one. I am nutty over garlic!

             Amrita loves
             to cook! Here's
             the proof in
             this delicious
             aubergine dish

             Amrita Raichand
             Celebrity Chef

             Dahi Baingan

             Ingredients                       • 5-6 curry leaves               Add sugar followed by salt & pepper, cumin
             For the base                      For garnish                      powder & chaat masala. Whisk again till
             • 500 g large eggplant (bharta baingan),   • red chilli powder     everything is incorporated well. Keep aside.
             cut into roundels                 • freshly chopped coriander leaves   For the assembly
             • 2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste                                       Arrange the prepared baingan in preferably
             • salt to taste                   Method                           a round glass dish and pour the seasoned
             • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder         In a mixing bowl, add the ginger-garlic   yogurt over it.
             • 2 tsp red chilli powder         paste along with salt, turmeric and red chilli   Heat oil in a tempering (tadka) pan, add
             • 2 tbsp oil                      powder and mix together.         mustard seeds & curry leaves, let them
             For the seasoned dahi (yogurt)    Now, marinate the baingan roundels with   splutter. Once done, pour it all over the
             • 400 g dahi (yogurt)             this marinade.                   yogurt.
             • 1 tbsp sugar                    Heat just a dash of oil in a non-stick pan &   Keep the dish in the refrigerator for at least
             • 1/2 tsp salt                    place the marinated baingan in it. Cook till   a couple of hours.
             • 1/2 tsp black pepper powder     they are golden brown and slightly crispy   Just before serving, sprinkle red chilli
             • 1/2 tsp cumin powder            on both sides. Do this till all the roundels are   powder along with fresh coriander leaves as
             • 1 tsp chaat masala              done, then transfer to a plate and let them   garnish.
             For the tadka (tempering)         cool down.                       Serve cold!
             • 1 tbsp oil                      In a large mixing bowl, add yogurt and
             • 1 tsp mustard seeds             whisk till smooth.

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