Page 15 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 15


 What a Pleasure!  Love & Admiration
 It was lovely to meet the editor at   What a woman and editor you've
 Willingdon Club and listen to her talk   turned out to be, Farzana Contractor!
 about her journey in life, especially   Taken UpperCrust to such heights...
 through UpperCrust. My wife, Naini and I   What imagination, what creativity,
 thoroughly enjoyed listening to her. I have   what reaching out, what initiative,
 fond memories of my dear friend Behram   what dedication... Love you, Farzana. I
 (Busybee) sharing our thoughts and views   have slowed down at 81, but my love,
 over coffee and enjoying the evening breeze   admiration grows and multiplies. More
 on the terrace of my home at Altamount   power to you!
 Road. Those were great days spent with
 great friends! UpperCrust is probably India’s   Dolly Thakore, Mumbai
 most popular magazine, having sustained
 itself for 25 years. A pleasure to read it.
 Hard Copies, Please
 Pradip Madhavji, Mumbai   What an outstanding issue. Each time I
 think you can’t better the previous issue,
 The Heart of the Matter  you go out and prove me wrong. You
 continue to excel. I must say, you are
 Indore, the Next Stop  a bunch of highly talented journalists.
 Sincere, committed and passionate. May
 What a gracious cover. The Jhabuas   God be with you. When I come to India
 come through as such a gracious family.    next I would like to pick up some hard
 Definitely old-world charm personified.   copies. That is a different kind of pleasure.
 The photographs, which are an
 UpperCrust hallmark, are delightful. In fact   Venkat, Australia
 the entire Indore section was so vibrant,
 so alive. My wife and I have decided to
 go there this winter for a holiday. Live   Very Proud of You!
 somewhere downtown, go to Ahilya Fort   Superb! Fantastic! Amazing magazine.
 Resort for a couple of nights, make some   You have done this for 25 years and
 temple visits. Thank you for bringing   What an amazing issue, congratulations!!   built it from scratch. Great job. Well
 Indore into our focus.  How much you manage to pack into   done. Keep it up. Very proud of Team
 it. You really get to the heart of the   UpperCrust. God bless you all.
 Dinesh Mathur, Goa  matter. Be it food or wine or people. Or
 even cities! Like Indore which was the   Vir Nath, Mumbai
 Yay, Indore!  UpperCrust Destination special.
 My son did his schooling from Daly
 College and that brought me to Indore   A Delightful Bite-ful
 so many times. I love the city but didn't
 know so much about its food.

 Sumita Vinod Mehta, Delhi
 Such a Treat!

 How do you manage to bring
 us such beautiful recipes? I

 loved the article on sorbets.
 I was so happy to see Indore in the latest   Enjoyed reading the Celebrity Bites with
 issue of UpperCrust. The next time you   Not something one comes   Sanjay Jha. I do follow him on TV and
 guys are in Indore please do call me. I   like what he says. It was interesting to
 would be more than happy to host you   across, often. Thank you.  read about matters other than politics
 and share more food stories of Malwa   though. And I loved getting that recipe
 and around!   Amaira Hussain, Delhi  from Gaylord!

 Sonal Soni, Indore  Sunaina Mulchandani, Pune

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