Page 155 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
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          Narrative                          bar, a washroom and a verandah, all for a                Pandan Chicken
                                             high-end clientele.
                                                Narrative is all about a conversation
          6, Koregaon Park Annexe,           on Indian cuisine and the menu has an
          Mundhwa, Pune 411001               array of authentic Indian fare, dishes
          Meal for two: Approximately `1800 +   using locally sourced ingredients cooked
          taxes, without alcohol             with modern techniques and even fusion
                                             dishes.  Narrative invokes nostalgia with
          Narrative,  located in  Mundhwa is  a   some dishes such as the misal pav, which
          stunning space with many different   is as spicy and full of masala as its street
          areas and stories to tell. The entrance is   food counterpart served with some very
          very imposing and grand, still, it doesn’t   fluffy pav. Amongst the other interesting
          prepare you for what you’re walking into.   dishes are Manipuri Black Rice Strips served
          The outdoor area is semi-covered with a   with a tangy mustard Aloo Bharta, Prawn   Joey's
          beautiful bar, a gorgeous hanging light and   Rasam  where the tangy, peppery  rasam
          lots of different décor elements making   meets succulent prawns, the Salmon Kokum
          it stunning and grand. Venture into the   Ceviche, Dindigul Thalapakatty Biryani,   Shop No 8/9, The Capital, Baner-
          indoor  dining  area,  which  is  relatively   Katsu Curry, Burra Mutton Chop, and so   Pashan Link Rd, Near Regent Plaza
          small and cosy, well-lit, air-conditioned   many more.                 Mall, Baner, Pune 411045
          and comfortable, overlooking a different   A careful curation of craft cocktails   Mob: 0 89750 98272
          outdoor section with lots of greenery. This   is  a  highlight  at Narrative,  where  they   Meal for two: Approximately `1000 +
          lovely nook outside is beautiful, people can   serve home-made sodas and bitters, using   taxes, without alcohol
          sit, eat and even book the indoor section   a lot of brewing techniques such as fat-
          along  with this for a private gathering.   washing, pickling, milk-washing, etc., so   Joey’s Bistro & Bar  is  a  new  concept  by
          There are quite a few little spaces within   that the drinks menu is very contemporary   Rushad Wadia who created  Greedy Man
          the larger spaces to enjoy a meal, have some   and pairs very well with Indian flavours.   Pizzeria and ran it for many years. This is a
          drinks and have a good time. The upstairs   The Nutty Aristocrat, with peanut butter,   cosy, warm and casual bar inspired by Joey
          has an indoor club, high-energy dining vibe   celery, whisky, citrus, a very nice Ghee   Tribbiani, from Friends, and his first love.
          and leads to a secret sitting room which can   Vodka Tonic, the Kaffir Kannada Mills with   The  easy-going  and  casual  dining  space
          be hired for private parties, wooden library   gin, clarified sugar cane, kaffir leaves and   with  quirky  elements,  charming  mirrors
          cupboards, leather sofa seating, a private   a Smokey Naga that has Naga chilli, honey,   and photos adorning the wall is perfect to
                                             coriander and mezcal.               catch up with friends, dine with family, that
                                                The space and concept are well-thought   date night, or for professionals working
                                             out and deliver a beautiful experience. We   remotely.  The  popular  Joey  catchphrase
                                             hope you walk into Narrative and create   “How, you, doin?” glows in neon on the
                                             your own narrative, experiencing different   wall at this New York-style bistro.
                                             spaces, people, food, drinks and vibes.  The menu at Joey’s is a mix of European
                                                                                 and global faves. Specials include Frozen
                                                                                 Tomato & Burrata on a sourdough, Pandan
                                                                                 Chicken, Truffle Mushroom Pizza, Pepperoni
                                                                                 Pizza and Joey's Butter Chicken, along with
                                                                                 decadent desserts like Irish Baileys Tiramisu,
                                                                                 Vanilla Bean Panacotta and Joey's Chocolate
                                                                                 Cake. These are complemented with drinks
                                                                                 like Bamboozled, How You Doin'?, Those Two
                                                                                 Only Had Each Other, Pisco Sour and DIY
                                                                                 gin cocktails, as well as signature coffees
                                                                                 and organic teas.
                                                                                    Joey’s is all about embracing the Joey
                                                                                 Tribbiani spirit! Drop in hungry, enjoy
                                                                                 the food and remember, "Joey doesn’t
                                                                                 share food!"

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