Page 153 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
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          Plot No. 608, 12th Main Rd, HAL
          2nd Stage, Indiranagar,
          Bengaluru 560038
          Mob:0 63643 15734
          Meal for two: Approximately R3500
          + taxes, without alcohol

          Impossible as it seems, apparently, there’s
          room for more restaurants in Indiranagar.
          The latest to open is Idylll on 12th Main. The
          highly-styled space is set under a transparent
          layer and dining spaces are spread across
          two levels. Frescos and art complement the
          monotone walls.
             On the first floor, a circular island bar is
          where the action is. Cocktails crafted from   the food menu is distinctly Indian, with   Lamb  Chops, with the intensity of ginger,
          desi ingredients are the signature style here.   dishes from the vibrant states of Rajasthan,   Pandi Pork Bao and Chorizo Kachori Chaat.
          The music, lighting and seating create the   Kashmir, Lucknow, Orissa and Maharashtra.   Main courses are more conventional with
          ambience for mellow hours that can be spent   Vegetarian small plates include dishes such   Dal Makhni, Chaman Qalia, Butter Chicken,
          sipping the bartender’s creations with names   as Ajmeri Kadhi Kachori, Kathal Dim Sum   Laal Maas and Goan Fish Curry.
          like Amla Picante and Kashmiri Old Fashioned.   and  Baingan Chokha Hummus.  For  non-  For dessert, try the Mango Kalakand or
             Even with its contemporary overtones,   vegetarians there are dishes like  Inji  Puli   the Mizoram Wild Rice Kheer.



          Orion Mall, Unit #24,
          Upper Ground Floor, Rajajinagar,
          Bengaluru 560055
          Mob: 0 74115 65807
          Meal for two: Approximately Rs 3000
          + taxes, without alcohol

          Bombay Brasserie  finds  a  new  home  in
          Bangalore  at  Orion  Mall.  It’s  a  sprawling
          indoor space with lots of elements evoking
          the rich craft traditions of India. There’s a
          vibrant kite-lighting feature suspended from   and Bhut Jolokia, showcasing them in Small   Try also the innovative desserts such as
          the ceiling and an Incredible India Wall   Plates that include Hot Kadhi Samosa Chaat,   Chocolate Rocky Road and Bombay Ice-Cream
          that’s adorned with a series of picture frames   South-inspired  Mushroom  Pepper  Taco and   Sandwich.
          representing  India’s  rich  history  through   Street Fried Chicken.  Hot  Plates  and  Street   An attractive bar serves inventive drinks
          paintings, maps and recipe books. There’s   Grills come in the form of Paraath Paneer and   with Indian accents. The bar menu features
          also an entire wall dedicated to hand-painted   Charminar Murg Boti. The Big Plates and   signature Pauwa Cocktails, like the classic
          wooden dolls.                      Biryanis section offer Pulled Jackfruit Masala   Janta Bar or the refreshing Bombay Rita and
             The new food menu uses many of India’s   with Curried Butter Parotta,  home-style   Desi Cocktails, namely  Keri Magic &  the
          distinctive ingredients like black stone flower   Punjabi Cooker Chicken and Egg Tadka Biryani.   Smoked Murabba Barni.

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