Page 22 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 22


           India’s First Pasta Champion Eyes Asia

           Pasta  lovers were thrilled with  the first
           ever championships held at The St.
           Regis Mumbai, organised by Barilla, the
           top quality Italian pasta and pasta sauce
           brand. Pasta Championship Asia 2024
           saw six final contestant chefs from across
           the country toss to the best of their ability
           with Barilla ingredients and more to wow
           the judges and take home the coveted title.
             Chef Naresh Hari from The Ritz-
           Carlton, Bangalore clinched victory with
           his flavourful dish,  Spaghetti  Uovo with
           Smoked Prosciutto Mousse, Parmesan Chive   Chef Naresh Hari, Pasta Champion with the Barilla team & judges
           Foam and Crisp Green Leeks. The modern
           interpretation was inspired by the classic   Luigi Cascone, Deputy Consul General of   winner gets a tour of Parma  among
           carbonara, and judges, inclusive of Chef   Italy in Bombay, were impressed.   other prestigious decorations that come
           Andrea, Barilla Executive Chef Asia Pacific;   As  India’s  representative,  Chef   with the championship title. Parma, the
           Chef Swarup Solgaonkar, Corporate Chef   Naresh will advance to the Grand Finals   place where Barilla originated from, was
           of McDonald’s India; Chef Yogesh Utekar,   in  Manila  in  October,  where  he  will   founded by Pietro Barilla, who opened a
           Principal of Ramanath Payyade College   compete against winners from seven   bakery there in 1877. Today, Barilla is a
           of Hospitality Management Studies; and   other countries in the Asia region. The   leader in all things pasta, the world over!

           An Indian Bartender Packs in a Punch

           As bartenders were busy shaking up seasonal   very own Versova boy, Altamash Gaziyani,   and music lover, with an undergraduate
           ingredients to present just the cocktail you   of Puritan & Company, Cambridge, MA,   degree from Culinary Institute of America
           need to liven up your night, the Punch team   has been featured. What an honour, to be   and a MLA in Gastronomy from  Boston
           were scrutinising 20 finalists for Best New   the first Indian in this league in the world   University, focused on alcohol and cultural
           Bartenders 2024! Among the Top 20, our   of bartending! The 28-year-old is a food   anthropology. He’s putting his skills to great
                                                                                 use now, as is evident from this achievement
                                                  Altamash Gaziyani of Puritan & Company  thus far. Altamash will now take over as bar
                                                                                 manager at the new First Street Market and
                                                                                 has successfully launched Versova Social, a
                                                                                 pop-up celebrating South Asian flavours.
                                                                                    Punch, the acclaimed media brand in
                                                                                 NYC, is dedicated to drinks and the culture
                                                                                 of drinking. Six years ago, they decided it
                                                                                 was time the people behind these drinks
                                                                                 be  brought  to  the  fore  and  given  their
                                                                                 due. So, what began as the Bartender in
                                                                                 Residence programme is today a platform
                                                                                 to recognise and felicitate the star
                                                                                 bartenders, newcomers, in the business.
                                                                                    Punch has rightly recognised Altamash,
                                                                                 and  the  regulars  at  Puritan  leave with  a
                                                                                 smile on their face thanks to him. Mission

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