Page 23 - UpperCrust e-Magazine Third Quarter 2024
P. 23

Chef Manish Surges On

          How do you break away from the thing
          you love most, your partner, literally, for
          years on end? He was a young chef who
          joined Old World Hospitality in 2000,
          went on to become Chef-in-Charge of
          Indian Accent in Delhi in 2009, and 15
          years later, has decided it’s time to move
          on, to explore other pastures. With that,
          Indian Accent and  Comorin restaurants
          bid adieu to Chef Manish Mehrotra, its
          famed Culinary Director. Apart from
          his culinary prowess, much is known
          about Chef Manish’s acting chops and his
          work on TV shows like MasterChef India
          and Foodistan.
             It’s time for Chef to kick back a bit
          and spend quality time with his daughter
          before she leaves for the US to pursue   tikka and pink peppercorn raita, to name   handling  Indian Accent in Bombay and
          her undergrad at  Culinary Institute of   a few. His right-hand man since the   Chef Raveesh Kapoor in New York.
          America.  Like  father,  like  daughter!!   beginning of his relationship with Rohit   This departure of Chef Manish comes
          He leaves behind a wonderful legacy of   Khattar  –  founder,  EHV  International   at the time of Indian Accent Delhi's 15th
          modern Indian cuisine such as naan with   – Chef Shantanu Mehrotra takes over   anniversary celebrations. And they had a
          blue cheese and a quesadilla with chicken   the baton with Chef Rijul Gulati ably   special Flashback tasting menu, too!

          Ghantewala Has Risen!

          Like a phoenix from the ashes, this iconic   talking since 1790 during the Mughal era,   brand and told PTI, "My whole family
          sweet shop in Delhi has made a comeback,   when  Lala  Sukh  Lal  Jain  established  the   was extremely sad when we had to close
          after a decade! What else can we say but yay!   shop and made sohan halwa and Karachi   the store in 2015. Many customers
          This stronghold of Chandni Chowk and the   halwa famous across the country.   would come and complain to us, 'Where
          food industry as a whole is back with a bang   The current young owner, Sushant   would we eat good quality sweets now,
          at the same location as always. And we’re   Jain has rebranded Ghantewala in a QSR   especially our favourite  'Sohan Halwa?'
                                                                                 So now,  you can feast on all your
                                                                                 favourite sweetmeats at  Ghantewala,
                                                                                 albeit for a much higher price than nine
                                                                                 years ago. It’s 1100 per kg for the ghee-
                                                                                 soaked  halwa that folks just can’t get
                                                                                 enough of today! The price you pay for
                                                                                 the authentically rich stuff.
                                                                                    Ghantewala had to shut due to a
                                                                                 shortage  in  sales,  would  you  imagine,
                                                                                 but they’re all set to regain their position
                                                                                 in the market and continue to pass down
                                                                                 the legacy of their founding fathers, and
                                                                                 that bell-ringer (ghantewala), a devoted
                                                                                 patron who would stand and ring the bell
                                                     Indira Gandhi at Ghantewala Sweets  at the Red Fort.

                                                                                       JUL-SEP 2024 | UPPERCRUST | 21
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